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d line hardware is all about balance: the balance between form and function; between the senses of sight, hearing and touch; between that which you see and that which you don’t; between design that looks good and design that works well; between changing tastes and advances in engineering; and between that which is bent and that which is straight.

Hardware is so named because its products are designed for constant use. Pushed, pulled, turned and bumped over and over again every day –whether in private homes or commercial buildings, government offices and cultural centres –they are required to bear the weight of a heavy coat, to open a window and lock it again, or to prevent a door pulled open from hitting the wall behind it.

Both internally and externally, every detail of every d line piece is rigorously tested for seamless functioning so that it endures. Then, assisted by the most cutting-edge machinery in our field, each isexpertly crafted by hand.


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